Mandelplot: Plot from the Mandelbrot Set

Here you can plot part of the Mandelbrot Set, which is a fun thing to do if you cannot sleep at night. The set is a good example of how a simple mathematical equation can produce extraordinarily complex behaviour. Explore the set by changing the image centre, depth, and zoom level. The depth controls the number of iterations that are used to determine whether a point is in the set or not. Zoom is how many factors of two to zoom in by. Points are coloured according to the number of iterations required to determine whether they are in the set or not, with black being points that are in the set, and the colour intensity indicating how long it took a point to diverge. The backend for the calculation is deployed using a serverless AWS Lambda function.

Some coordinates to try are:

  1. ・ $(-0.75, 0.00)$
  2. ・ $(-1.40, 0.00)$
  3. ・ $(-0.60, -0.40)$
  4. ・ $(0.25, 0.00)$

Image of the Mandelbrot Set